Tuesday 3 July 2012

Eldridge Financial take debit and credit card fraud solutions


Ccard 4

Being a victim of plastic card fraud is become very usual, whether via online phishing attacks or security breaks at major institutions. But there is no need for you to worry about since Eldridge Financial experts found better solutions to this growing scheme of activities in which you can take if distrustful activities happen to you and or how to prevent it from happening.


Credit card fraud prevention suggestion #1:

The section on whether to sign or not sign the back of credit cards is interesting but does not in the least conform to my experience. I've had and used credit cards for almost 30 years and no one has EVER asked me to sign an unsigned credit card before accepting it. Visa, MC, Amex, etc. may SAY that's what they tell merchants but, if they do, it's probably buried somewhere in three yards of fine print that no one but lawyers ever read.

I write "Please Ask For Photo ID" with a permanent marker in the signature space of all my credit cards. About half of the clerks that accept cards never bother to look at the back. About a third of those that do only go through the motions. They glance at my driver's license so quickly it's clear they did nothing more than stare blankly in the direction. When I'm feeling ornery I ask them what city I live in, which is, of course, on the license. So far none has been able to say. When a clear asks to see my ID and honestly looks I always thank them.

Here is how I protect my credit cards:

1. I try to never let a card out of my sight. Many stores now let customers self-swipe cards, which is great! I have a separate card for places where I must hand over my card (like restaurants) that I use infrequently and monitor frequently.

2. I only carry the cards I need at the moment. The rest are locked up at home. I either cancel seldom used cards or store them in my bank safe deposit box.

3. My bank and all the card issuers I use offer on-line statements. I check them frequently, no less than once a week.

4. I keep receipts and match them to billing statements. Programs like Quicken make this easy.

5. I keep multiple copies of card issuer 800 numbers handy in case I need to cancel stolen cards.

6. I never mail my bill payments from home. Always drop them inside the Post Office.

7. And all of my credit cards say "Please Ask For ID" on the back.

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